Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

Sometimes "Happiness" is inside yourself. Just think of it and you will get it. Think about stupid things in your childhood, or naughty actions done by you.

Happiness comes always with "Poor" rather than "Rich". They are not difficult to find, nor they are not far away. Find inside yourself.

Look at these special Monskey. Happy 2010!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Global Warming

In the movie "2012", we see terrible and shocking images of how most land of our current planet is covered by water.

Forget the images, we only take the messages. Or we take the only message that the movie brings to us: Our planet earth is dying.

Then, we start to think - what to do? Simple answer - Love our planet and do less harm to her. Not just today, or this month. But everyday and for the rest of our lives.

The picture how a good design can give you. And to what extend a Monskey can do. Thanks to Ed, a talented Mexican designer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Who wants to be a hero?
Is there a check list for a hero?

The world is complicated.
Bad things will hide underneath a good surface.
So, stay cool and forget about heroes!

See the picture: think if the green guy is bad and the purple one is kind... Well, things can be viewed from different prospects.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Which way?

We cannot see many ways out when we are in the middle of a road. Maybe just one to two choices. When we are flying over the top, we may see a lot of opportunities. We cannot fly, of course. But we may need to clam down and think before we make a move.

Sometimes, maybe most of the times, things are not as bad as our first imagination. Every question should have an answer. It is a matter of time. Don't go to the bad side. Stay there if you cannot find the bright side!

Here is a winner of Monskey design contest 2008. Simple colors, complicated design - from a Singapore designer.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Strong should...

Most of us want ourselves to be strong.
Have you thought about when you are strong, what should you do?

If the strong ones cannot protect the weak ones, their "strong" are meaningless! If they use their power to suppress the weak ones, they are not strong, they are "bad" - Evils are come from the "bads".

Another simple but nice Monskey design from Brazil!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Inspiration seems to be a serious word. No, we can treat it as a normal procedure in our daily life. We may need to spare a couple of minutes from our busy life. Just relax and do noting. Maybe walk out of your workplace. Look around and feel things around you.

The key is to THINK. When you can get some thinkings from some unrelated stuff, yes, you got an inspiration. Inspiration can be useless. But it is a good process. Just to give ourselves a break.

Here are 8 new designs in Monskey 4. Some of them were shown previous.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Who are you?

We have to make so many compromise in our everyday life. There are one TV program where the host tells the interviewers how to impress the interviewee. For example, to ask some questions that she/he might be interested. And the host says that for the same token, in order to become outstanding, you have to attract your boss by doing something she/he may like.

This is sad. Sad that we have such a kind of "host" and sad that we have such a kind of program. Even sadder, the situation is so real.

In the "material world", we have to calculate everyday. And we do so many "fake" actions. Time after time, we lost ourselves.

So, to find the lost, we may need to ask ourself in the mirror "who are you?"

This Monskey is an early stage product. It cannot be found in the market. Maybe it will become alive later...

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Singularity

It is a very interesting and inspiring topic regarding human future. Where a bunch of names such as "transhuman", "nanotechnology", "year 2020" can be found. A real explosion of creativity, a super long human life is expected.

It is not far away. So, let us sit and wait and read science fictions and think about our future.

Here is another great design from Mexico. One of the Monskey 4 collection.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Monskey Photos

Take some interesting photos with Monskey and send the photos to

We will pick those nice ones and show them in this blog as a slidshow.
Photos are not required to be professional. Simply take photos with your cell phone and send them to us. It could be funny.

An Eskimo Monskey - taken by its creater, a Hong Kong design.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fast or Slow

Internet changes the world!
With Internet, we have no excuse for late reply. Because the world is now running in 24 x 7.

The interesting point is, we do not have less work to do with the help of Internet. It is odd! We can do a thing in one day that we may need 2-3 days to finish in the past. Theoretically we should "gain" some time. But the fact is the other way around. We become busy and busy because the Internet will not allow us to stop, or rest.

So, we are working faster, or slower?

Look at the eyes of this family. Designed from Brazil.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A New Self

"Resistance to change" is an old but always true saying;
Sometimes if we are so brave to do some breakthrough, the rewards could be invaluable. Not only the instant results that we can see. But also the self-upgrading process which will create a long-lasting difference to ourselves. We do not need to be a superhero. Some minor changes are good enough.

Look at the new Monskey 4 member - thanks to Michiel Baumgarten from Holland.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


One weak side of human character is laziness
To those do not want to put efforts on innovation, or creation, they can only live in the shadow of others.
Even worse, they rationize their laziness by tons of lies and stupid reasonings.
They don't belong to the world of creation.
They should do something else.
It is not sad, or even a pity to move elsewhere if you do not belong to the world of creation. Nobody says that the people in such a world are happy!
So, wake up man!

Thank you to Satoshi san, this Monskey is a very impressive one.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The more we work on this Monskey project, the more we feel isolated from outside. The more we concentrate on one thing, the more we feel ourselves autistic.
Sometimes autistic is ... not bad!

This Monskey design is an art piece.
Look at the details of the printing. They are so perfect!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


When something happens, some people will react instantly.
But sometimes wait and see are not a bad choice.
Wait and see do not mean doing nothing.
We can also think and plan.

A crocodile is a good example.
It can hold a position like a statue, seems so indifferent.
But when it starts to take action, it is quick, exact and powerful.

Here is a funny Monskey by a Hong Kong designer.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Monskey Facebook

Monskey has a Facebook named Monskeyfacebook.
check this:

Here is another good example of simple + cool design.
A very nice work by a Hong Kong designer.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Monskey Culture

If Monskey's basic concept is "Equality of Mankind", there are some characters for the Monskey to pursue this "goal". One of them must be honesty. Be honest to yourself and others. It is not that easy. We are not perfect all the time. Just do your best to be honest and you will feel so great.

When a monkey meets a frog!
What an interesting photo!
Both Monskeys are members of our "Zoo" series.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Design Contest

Monskey design contest comes again!
check here:

Or simply and click the following icon:

Submit your work before Oct 31, 2009!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


"People despise those who treat them well and look up to those make no concessions." This statement is not always true, but is "generally true". It is sad especially when this statement is proven by the reality around you. As a result, we should not expect a "fair world". It is not violating the basic concept of Monskey - Equality of Mankind. That is what it should be and the reality could be different.

Attached is the artwork of "I Love Monskey"Sticker which could be found in Monskey's DIY version.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New is ready

The site is ready and please take a look on it!
The image left is a new Monskey Blind Box line which will be launched in the USA very soon.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Sight

First impression is critical.
Look at the Monskey on the left. Is it scary?

Thanks to Frames. With his awesome design, Monskey can be as scary as the one shown.

This is one of the best masterpiece of Monskey done in the pass few years.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New Challenges

I totally agree with what Arthur Schopenhauer described life : we are swinging between pain and boredom.

Sometimes when you feel bored, things come and make you busy - because something has changed. In a positive view, it is called "challenge". Changes do not have a status as "good" or "bad". Changes are changes. You can see those changes will move you from one point to another between the two extremes - pain and boredom.

Let us try to state netural when changes come. Don't get excited, or fraustrated. State cool, state calm to challenges.

Two Monskeys in the photo: Black and white. The black one is a member of World Wide Monskey 3 (WMM3) which will be launched this August. The white one is a member of Monskey 1.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New is coming will soon have a new look.

The new site will serve as an official plaftorm to show all information about Monskey.
Well, this blog will be a very on-off type of giving thinkings, new ideas of Monskey.
Sure, here will have some very limited, or Monskey never being made to the market...

Monskeys in the photo is one very old but nice Monskey designed by an Italian who cannot be contacted by Monskey in this moment. The Monskey beind is a primitive colored Monskey which has not yet been shown in any occasions.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bigger Family

Monskey Project is happy to add some talented designers as family members in recent months. Those supercool designers are from Mexico, Holland, Spain and Taiwan.

We will have their work posted in this blog very soon.

Monskey Project cannot live by itself. It has to exist with the presence of many designers with passion. The interactions between the project and those designers are flames in the dark night which give warmness and energy.

Here is another cool work by Frames, UK.

Monday, February 2, 2009

It is a phenomenon that people tends to use extreme wordings in their expressions. Such as "the MOST beautiful", "the BEST chance" and so on. This kind of exaggerating tunes can be impressive. But when we hear and see more and more expressions like this, we will become indifferent to those expressions. As a result, the contents will be missed. So, next time when we are going to use such wordings, just think if we have a better way to express the real situations. Maybe our sayings can be more powerful then.
This beautiful piece was done by a Brazilian. It is simple but impressive.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

When most people sees the downside, we should look at the view further behind.
We are not saying to go against the master trend. But we do need to think differently.
When we see the big guys going down, we should also see the rooms for expansion.

Here is a Stary Stary Monskey - in Black and white.