Tuesday, December 23, 2008


We like the Monskey Project. The best part is that we open the platform in the Internet to many different people to interact with Monskey. We are not so-called "Designers' toys". Of course, some Monskeys are desgined by famous and professional desginers. But most of them are come from just "one designer". And some are come from amateurs.

The key here is to share the joy of interacting with Monskey. We have got many hand-painted graphics from the Internet which are come from kids. We like them all. We are planning to do something on them in the near future. Joyfulness is not decided by professionals, it is inside ourselves.

Sometime threatening others will only show your weaknesses.

Here is a very nice design of Monskey come from an Australian designer.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Stay focused

When we focus on just on a couple of things, we study, practice, think and improve ourselves. This is the only way to do better than others. Don't be too greedy. Get focused and don't complaint. This is the best way to taste your life.
This is a nicely made Monskey designed by a talented Brazilian artist.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


The best way to show our "Power of Production" is in trade shows.
Where people in the industry will judge our work with their professional senses.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Knocking off

Having different designs on a same body of a toy or figurine is not new. It has been in the markets for decades. In the world of vinyl, or other materials, figures, the most important is the power of production. Making designs on paper is not very difficult. To put the design on an actual figurine is a totally different story. You can put hundreds of designs on papers but you may not be able to put just one on an actual product. That is we call it "The Say of the one owns production Power".

The one should not be limited to a factory. It can be an unit with resources that can make things happen. It is easy to comment on others. But the world will be better if we can appreciate works from others rather than criticize.

Monday, November 3, 2008

New series is coming

A new series of Monskey is coming soon.
It is totally different from Series 1, 2 and 2.5 series that you can see in the Internet. Here is a nice work from Frames (UK). I am sure that all of you will love this design.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Blog Day

Hello, today is Monskey Blog Birthday!